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创建: 2013年5月28日

Updated: 2022年8月16日

ID: 44898

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牡丹-园艺和景观WordPress主题 - Features Image 1牡丹-园艺和景观WordPress主题 - Features Image 2牡丹-园艺和景观WordPress主题 - Features Image 3牡丹-园艺和景观WordPress主题 - Features Image 4牡丹-园艺和景观WordPress主题 - Features Image 5牡丹-园艺和景观WordPress主题 - Features Image 6牡丹-园艺和景观WordPress主题 - Features Image 7牡丹-园艺和景观WordPress主题 - Features Image 8


Garden or 室内设计 is a service that will almost certainly be searched through the Internet to get the opportunity to look at the work, 评估专家的作品集. 尤其是那些在这个方向工作的人, a wonderful thematic 园艺 and 景观 WordPress theme was created. 基于这个主题,你可以快速制作一个漂亮时尚的网站.

时尚的内饰无处不在. Property owners are ready to pay for the services of a professional designer. The Peonic theme is ideal for any site in the theme of design and construction. 通过互联网为自己做广告更容易,也更便宜, 你甚至不需要花时间推广社交网络. All you need is to download the site template and customize it for your portfolio and range of services.

WordPress is not accidentally the most popular content management system for an open source site. Millions of sites work on WordPress and something new is invented every day to improve this platform.

WordPress几乎适用于任何项目, 从博客到相当复杂的新闻资源和在线商店. The built-in system of themes and plugins together with a successful architecture allows you to design projects of wide functional complexity. 换句话说, you can easily add a feature to your site using free plugins and find any information you are interested in on a particular issue in numerous WordPress forums.


非常时尚的, 强大的园艺和景观WordPress主题, 甚至适合大型工作室从事项目设计. The finished style looks strict, elegant, but modern, and adjusts to the right way. 使用模板,你会得到:

  • 考虑到所有相关设备的适应性;
  • 投资组合的设置
  • 能够写博客,发布新闻.

The theme supports large photos, and their number does not affect the speed of loading pages. You can use standard design or create your own design that will match the company's corporate style.

一个优雅和现代的资源在一个愉快的配色方案, 以白色为底色,加上绿色. 本课题具有广泛的用途, 从装修, 住宅和办公室的设计, 花园的解决方案, 景观, etc. 在本质上, you can use the template for any other topic due to its absolute versatility and appearance, in which, 如果你替换图像, 没有特别的定位, 所以你可以放心地把它用于其他项目. 另一方面, 有一个令人愉快的和谐的配色方案, 一组有用的插件, including the designer Elementor for customizing the appearance and details, 这样就很容易处理主题了.

Peonic拥有使您的网站真正独特所需的一切, 自适应与创建动画的全部能力, scroll, 移动和固定版本的各种效果. Integration with social networks allows your users to share content, 在不同的网站上交流,增加你网站的流量. 它非常干净、时尚、优雅. 没有多余的东西, 只有基本的功能与画廊和博客, 让你从最好的一面展示你的项目. 它为创建图库提供了一种高级格式, 它将允许您在“高级”模式下进行演示, 展示所有最有利可图的项目, fitting them into the design and creating the best impression for visitors. 许多小部件的促销,特别优惠.


The modern resource that you will create will be aimed at increasing conversion, 有各种各样的按钮来号召人们采取行动, 详细的服务. 您将轻松更改所有项目和主题设置, and you can add any plugins to extend the functionality of your site.

使用具有吸引力设计的主题. It is ideal for sites that tell about trends in the world of fashion or design, as it is designed taking into account all fashionable web design trends. The template allows you to use widgets to add functionality to a website. 例如, 一个滑块, 旋转木马的柱子, 社交媒体小工具将有助于创建令人印象深刻的演示, 以及提供额外的机会来展示内容.

利用这个话题的巨大可能性. 您对网站所做的任何更改都立即可见. To see the original result, you do not even need to refresh the page. 主题允许您添加和组合任何模块. 每个元素都有广泛的设置范围, 这将使它有机地适应网站的设计. 照片画廊的数量不受限制, 这意味着你可以展示你所有的项目. Tags and categories help you organize galleries and make navigation easier and faster, respectively.

任何时候都可以联系技术支持. This will allow you to carry out all the work on the sites quickly and efficiently. Thus, you can control everything yourself, which means doing business more efficiently. 现在使用主题来创建一个独特的网站!



  • 修复了一些小bug;
  • 元素页面生成器.7兼容;
  • WordPress 6.0兼容.


  • 樱桃插件删除;
  • 修复了一些小bug;
  • 元素页面生成器.3兼容;
  • WordPress 5.8兼容.


非常好的模板. 安装方便. 加载时间很好. Administartion is e little complicated, due to lack of proper instructions
谢谢你的反馈! We're glad to hear that you found the template very good with easy installation and good loading time. If you need any assistance or have further suggestions, feel free to reach out. 我们是来帮忙的!
它很容易安装. 模板非常简单和友好. 你可以修改很多东西. 文件结构是透明的. 易于配置和修改. 一种非常直观的改变方式. I have installed many templates and I really recommend it to everyone who is looking for professional solutions. 你一定会满意的. 还有你的客户. 这个模板上的页面将是现代的和适应的.
Sono uno sviluppatore libero professionista e creo siti web e programmi software per clienti, 从事网络营销研究与咨询. 将模型设置为è安装到以下问题: http://www.vivaiomamanonmama.it/ Il模板è fatto molto bene molto bello grafnicente, L 'ho selelto perchapermiha colpito L ' asppetto grafico. Il servizio di supporto è stato molto gentile e chiaro nelle spiegazioni.
Отличныйшаблон. Без особых проблем его установил. Спасибо. Буду еще покупать.
this site was a great design and was perfect fit for lawn and garden companies


谢谢你的评论. 当然,这是可能的. All our templates are fully editable as we provide all source files. You can change it via CSS source file or using Adobe Photoshop CS+




4.4 /5
支持度评分(646年评级) This rating is based on feedback from customers who have received support from the author of this product. 5 502 4 42 3 14 2 8 1 80
响应时间: Normal This value represents the average response time to a client's inquiry or request.








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