Templateog体育首页 Terms of Use

1. General Information

You should carefully read the following Terms and Conditions. Your purchase or use of any products and services placed on Templateog体育首页网站暗示您已阅读并接受这些条款和条件.

2. License Terms

Our websites grant users separate licenses that regulate our product and service use. 在授权方面,Templateog体育首页承担了所有者、分销商、 or referrer. Third parties, i.e.,市场作者和合作伙伴,可以拥有市场产品或服务,并进行分销 them on our platform, affiliate websites and API-based RMS stores. They are all subject to the general licensing rules posted on our site and must cite it as the source.

By proceeding to the checkout, 客户自动接受Templateog体育首页许可协议,并且必须遵守 related rules to use our products and services.

2.1. Product Modifications

客户有权对购买的产品进行必要的修改,以符合其目的 the license they acquire.

2.2. Unauthorized Use

If customers do not have the Buyout License, they shall not place any of our products, modified or unmodified, on a diskette, CD, website, or another medium. 他们也不得在未经事先许可的情况下将其重新分发或转售 written consent from our company

2.3. Assignability

Customers shall not sub-license, assign, 或在未经本公司同意的情况下将任何产品或服务转让给任何第三方 written consent.

2.4. Ownership

您不能对我们的产品主张知识产权或独家所有权, modified or unmodified. All products are the property of independent authors. 我们的产品是“按原样”提供的,没有任何形式的保证,也没有明示的保证 or implied. Our company or its employees are not liable for any damages including, but not limited to, direct, indirect, special, punitive, incidental or consequential, 或因使用或无法使用我们的产品而产生的其他损失.

3. Technical Support

According to the company`s Support Policy, we provide 对我们的产品和服务提供一般支持,自购买之日起6个月. Product authors and service providers 负责在相关的技术支持时间内向客户提供技术支持. We do not install 或修改我们的任何产品,需要在一般和扩展的支持条款. The product price does not cover installation and modification. 如果客户在产品设置或修改方面需要额外帮助,他们可以使用 Service Center offers for an additional fee

4. Anti-fraud Check

我们可以暂停客户购买,进行人工反欺诈检查,这需要10-20分钟. We can also hold them for a longer time to make more thorough investigations. 反欺诈核查是为了防止个人的欺诈购买 谁不是用于交易的信用卡的实际持卡人.

5. Third-Party Services

我们可以允许访问或宣传第三方(作者和合作伙伴)的产品或服务. All users should understand 我们不经营或控制合作伙伴和作者的产品和服务. Authors are responsible for order processing, completion, delivery, and support. 我们不是客户与第三方之间交易的一方. You agree that purchase from authors and partners is your sole responsibility; it does not have Templateog体育首页 warranties. Under 在任何情况下,我们都不对您与商家之间的交易或任何信息造成的任何损害负责 appearing on merchant sites or any other source linked to our site.

6. Registration and Purchase

Purchasing from Templateog体育首页 requires you to register. With registration, you agree to provide us with complete and accurate personal and purchase information. Each registration is for your personal use only. We do not permit:

  • 任何其他人使用您名下的注册帐户和部分;
  • 通过多个用户或网络的单个用户名访问(用户负责防止此类未经授权的访问) use);
  • authors to buy their products, 目的是操纵产品的评级和可见性(如果检测到此类活动), we will deduct commissions for such sales, reversing the rating of those products).

Templateog体育首页保留接受或拒绝您的注册或终止注册的唯一权利和权力 any reason that it deems appropriate following our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.

7. Errors, Corrections, and Changes

We do not warrant that our websites are free of errors, misspellings, viruses, and other harmful elements or that we will fix those defects. 我们不保证在我们网站上或通过我们网站提供的信息是正确的、准确的、 timely, or reliable. 我们可随时更改网站的特性、功能或内容. We reserve the right in our sole discretion to edit or delete any documents, information, or other content placed on Templateog体育首页 and related projects

8. Third-Party Content

第三方内容可能出现在我们的网站上,或可通过我们拥有和运营的网站的链接访问. We are not responsible for any mistakes, misstatements of law, defamation, omissions, falsehood, obscenity, pornography, or profanity 在本网站的声明、意见、陈述或任何其他内容中. Users must understand that the third-party content, information, 观点仅代表作者的想法,并不反映我们的信仰.

9. Unlawful Activity

我们保留调查投诉或报告违反本协议的权利. We can take any action we deem appropriate, e.g., reporting suspected unlawful activity to law enforcement officials, regulators, or other third parties. In legal enforcement, we can disclose user information, including but are not limited to user profile data, email addresses, usage history, posted materials, IP addresses, and traffic data.

10. Limitation of Liability

We and any affiliated party are not liable for any loss, injury, claim, liability, or damage of any kind resulting from errors 或我们网站上的遗漏或从中获得的任何服务或产品. We do not assume responsibility for the 我们网站的运行或任何功能的不可用或中断. We are not liable for users' access and use of the websites and content, delay, or failure in our website or employees' performance beyond our authority as a controller. 作为一个控制器,我们不保证适当的客户支持和网站运营的结果 of force majeure.

11. Payments and Fees

所有客户保证其提供的账单信息真实完整. All customers guarantee that the charges incurred by them will be honored by their payment company, and they will pay the costs at current fare, including any applicable taxes and a handling fee.


  • purchasing the services and products, Templateog体育首页 owns;
  • purchasing author products and services;
  • purchasing products and services from our partners and affiliate websites.

As a distributor, owner, and controller, Templateog体育首页保留对每笔交易收取手续费的权利. The handling fee charge is based on the order's total price. When the item's cost is less than $10, we automatically add the handling fee amount of $1. The handling fee amount of $2 is added to items that cost more than $10. The handling fee is not subject to refund or exchange.

12. Information Disclosure

You may not disclose any order information including, but not limited to, Order ID, download link, etc.

13. Affiliate Sales

All products on Templateog体育首页 and related websites participate in our affiliate program. 出版商从新用户和他们推荐的销售额中获得附属佣金. When an affiliate partner generates a new sale, 他们会得到templatemmonster市场100%的佣金, meaning that affiliate rewards in no way affect author shares. By joining the Marketplace, 所有在Templateog体育首页上放置其产品的作者同意根据这些条款和条件在第三方附属网站上分发其产品和服务.

14. og体育首页ONE Subscription

og体育首页ONE是Templateog体育首页市场提供的无限订阅服务, to learn more about og体育首页ONE terms of use , please refer to the corresponding page on og体育首页ONE website. Please note that og体育首页ONE company reserves 有权更改或修改条款及细则而无须事先通知.

15. Governing Law and Jurisdiction

By accessing this website, 您同意与您访问和使用本网站及其产品有关的所有事宜 shall be governed by the State of Florida's statutes and laws, without regard to the conflict of laws principles. The parties specifically disclaim the U.N. Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods. 您还同意并服从布劳沃德州和联邦法院的专属属人管辖权和地点 County, Florida.
