Mega Menu Woocommerce Themes for Your Ecommerce Project

The menu is the backbone of all site navigation. 多亏了菜单,用户可以快速浏览网站并找到他们需要的信息. 有人可能会说,网站是以菜单“开始”的,因为只有这个元素才能给用户一个互联网资源结构的概念. 这就是为什么我们让你仔细看看Mega Menu Woocommerce主题.

What are Woocommerce Themes with Mega Menu Support?

什么是超级菜单? 这是您可能已经遇到并定制过多次的熟悉的导航菜单.

不像标准功能, 还有其他选项用于自定义和显示单个元素, such as adding a vertical and horizontal submenu, 添加图标和独特的图像到菜单, and detailed adjustment of all menu items' appearance.



  • 令人难以置信的定制,
  • works with your favorite page builder (like Elementor or Visual Composer),
  • feature-rich,
  • 提供了大量的主题选项,
  • 能够迎合任何市场或利基,
  • Retina ready,
  • 提供方便的拖拽 & Drop,
  • the ability to display WordPress widgets in the menu,
  • customize menu styles using the built-in theme editor,
  • 100% responsive design that adapts perfectly to all screens.

How to Choose a Woocommerce Theme With Mega Menu?

  1. 明确模板要求
  2. 注意内容的放置
  3. 确定主题的功能
  4. 请随时与支持团队联系
  5. 分析评论和描述


Here in this video, 你可以找到一个关于如何使用元素页面生成器放置项目的很棒的教程:
  • Products Grid,
  • Blog Posts,
  • Maps,
  • Contact Forms.
Now you can add all of these and even more to your MegaMenu!


Will Mega Menu WooCommerce themes help my site improve UX?

Yes, because navigation can save or waste visitors' time. 在处理棘手的网站导航时,找到所需的信息变得相当具有挑战性. 幸运的是,我们的产品是100%用户友好的.

Do Mega Menu WooCommerce themes have PayPal integration?

To be able to pay for purchases, we can connect any payment gateway we need. By default, WooCommerce已经整合了Paypal, 它让买家能够使用Visa和万事达信用卡支付购物费用.

How to fix blurred product images with Mega Menu WooCommerce themes?

为了解决这个问题, go to the Woocommerce - Settings - Catalog tab, 输入产品缩略图的值, 改变产品的尺寸. 一定要安装 生成缩略图 plugin. 然后点击工具,重新生成. Thumbnails tab will appear, go to it and start regenerating images. Then you shouldn't have any problems with pictures.


Surely! WooCommerce themes with a mega menu are 100% universal, which gives them the ability to work with any tool you want to implement.