
有些人梦想改变内部, 其他人在建筑行业工作, but these two groups are united by the fact that they need materials to implement their plans. Nowadays, 很少有人有足够的空闲时间去线下商店, and it often happens that the goods you require are out of stock. Online shopping has revolutionized our understanding of what shopping should be. 它们可以让你远程跟踪货物的供应情况, 选择他们的特点, 并确切地知道他们什么时候会被送到. Most of the goods related to repair and construction are quite expensive, and people are careful in choosing the stores that provide them. 如果你想给人一个值得信赖的印象, 你的网站需要看起来很专业, 包含高质量内容, 表现出快速的性能.

We offer you to feel like a full-fledged member of the web development team using software from Shopify Inc in conjunction with our ready-made designs. 它们中的每一个都是针对特定的利基需求量身定制的. However, you can quickly and easily edit any elements without the use of special skills. Cement Shopify themes will be a great foundation for your project and help you impress your visitors from the first seconds of browsing your store!

Shopify Сoncrete主题-功能 & Characteristics

  • A responsive layout automatically adjusts your pages to the screen resolution of any gadget. People do not need to enlarge individual objects or download an application, 这有时很烦人,迫使你关闭标签. 一切都很好, and you don't need to perform additional actions and edit the code to make the site mobile-friendly because our developers have already done it for you.
  • 这些主题在所有浏览器上都显示出完美的性能, 包括Google Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Yandex, Microsoft Edge, and Opera.
  • Retina-readiness is a must-have for any store because it allows you to transfer all the details of your products to the device screens of your website visitors. The images encourage people to purchase goods and influence their final decision more than any text, pop-up, 甚至是折扣. Combined with the quick view function, the zoom product transforms your catalog into a real showcase.
  • Every online store needs a blog, although it doesn't seem obvious. It will be useful if you optimize texts since people looking for certain information, for example, 一种施工工具的回顾, may be interested in your services after reading all the advantages and disadvantages described by your copywriter.


The products presented in this collection will be an excellent basis for projects related to:

  • 建筑公司;
  • 室内外设计;
  • 维修服务;
  • Furniture;
  • 建筑材料等.

How to Create a Successful Online Business with Shopify Сoncrete Themes

每个行业的竞争都非常激烈, so the first thing you should do after launching a website is build a marketing strategy. This can be more difficult than you imagined because you have to analyze your audience and choose the right promotion methods. Here are some of the most effective ones that we recommend paying attention to:

  • SEO经常成为产生流量的主要工具. There is not a single successful online store without proper optimization.
  • Pay-per-click is one of the most effective advertising methods that work with your target audience.
  • 企业主经常忽视社交网络上的广告, 让自己失去了数百万潜在客户. In addition, many platforms offer cheap ad services that are still effective.
  • 与博主的合作建立在信任的基础上. Influencers greatly impact people who often perceive them as celebrities or, conversely, 在任何情况下都可以信任的朋友. So one or more contracts with bloggers broadcasting on topics related to your niche can be helpful.
  • Giveaways have recently been actively used even by companies with millions of annual revenues due to the minimum investment with the most powerful result.
  • Standard methods like advertising on billboards, posters, business cards, etc.,如果你专注于本地用户,也可以派上用场. With their help, you can reach an audience that rarely or does not use the Internet at all.


Are there any extra costs involved in cement Shopify themes purchase?

No, we do not charge any additional money other than the cost of the template you have chosen unless you have ordered additional services.

Where can I find more information on operating with cement Shopify themes?

请查看我们的YouTube频道和og体育首页Post博客, where we regularly post new useful content about interaction with our products.


Yes, we provide a wide range of services, including some specific for online stores. 除了写内容, we can also create amazing product images or even complete your website. You can find information about all available services in a special section.

What's the difference between premium and free cement Shopify themes?

The main difference is the lack of support when it comes to free themes. In addition, they are less frequently updated and often have a smaller variety of ready-made elements.

Top Collection of Shopify Cement eCommerce Themes 2024 for Your Stores

Watch a helpful video with the hottest сoncrete designs for your Shopify store. 为建筑公司找一个完美的主题, 建筑项目, 并使其盈利,以响应, SEO-friendly, 和完全成熟的构造主题布局.